NERF Birthday Party Invitation


Hope you are having a good week! My cousin asked me to make some birthday party invitations and of course I agreed. When she said it was going to be a NERF party, I had to do a bit of research as to what the invitation should look like. I found some great examples on Pinterest. So this is what I came up with.

NERF Party Invite

I found the clip art online with a google search and downloaded a font called Crillee from I think it passed my little cousin’s approval because he said it was “cool” =). If you have any questions, let me know! Thank you for stopping by!

UPDATE! Since I have been getting a lot of the requests for the clip art, I have decided to include them in the post for you to download since sometimes I forget to respond to an email. Please only use these for personal use and not commercial use. Also, if you would not mind, please leave a comment below if you decide to use any of the materials I have shared below. Thanks! Enjoy!


13 thoughts on “NERF Birthday Party Invitation

  1. What a cute invitation! Is there anyway you could email me the images also? My son is having a Nerf Gun party in May. I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much

    • Hi! I am unfortunately not making invitations anymore, but if you have or know someone who has Microsoft publisher I can email you the document I used. You can change the wording then. If you would like this, please email me at and I can send it to you. Thanks!

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